Accusations have been made that Father has hijacked this blog, using photos of Telly Savalis and lies about Thanksgiving to send Mother fleeing. And yes, perhaps I was a bit over-excited about the narcissistic possibilities of blogging. But I didn't mean to take over! Really! Look, Mother, you've got me using exclamation marks.
My rather lame post ridiculing elementary teachers was an attempt to goad Mother back, and certainly a photo of a shaven Rick Springfield should have been proper bait.
Mother, where are you? The public awaits your return.
I thought she might return to post some holiday photos, but, alas, MLKJr. Day has come and gone, and still no sign of Mother or Christmas. It is well past time to share with you the news that Christmas happened, and we performed all due Christmas duties.
We decorated the house,
displayed our new artificial tree,
and created edible architecture.
Mother's fine folks, Bumma and Grandpa, joined us for food-house making. Grandpa did all of the work and Bumma stared into space the whole time.
We decorated the tree;
Other highlights included wonderful meals and family gatherings all over the place, gifts, a nice night out with Oma, gifts, family cookie baking, brother-in-law beer and shopping expeditions, gifts, savior births, gifts, and things I'm forgetting. A nice, family-type New Year's was spent playing Apples to Apples (gift!) at Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor's house, until Mr. and Mr. Other Neighbors showed up drunk and rowdy and showed us how much fun New Years is for the kid-less. Still, I ruled at Trivial Pursuit.
Yea, Holidays. We all had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas season.
But that was a while ago, and other things have happened since. Mother, why don't you share news of our wonderful trip?
WooHoo - the blog is back! Mother, tell us about your weekend!
You so did NOT rule at Trivial Pursuit. I told you some answers! haha!
We love you guys and glad to see you contributing again!
Mrs. Neighbor
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