Saturday, November 1, 2008

Teaching Our Children How To Beg (And One How To Campaign)

The one rule for Halloween this year: we would not be buying costumes. The kids could look around the house and come up with ideas, but we're weren't going to go to crazy- overpriced- no- return- policy- scary- bloody- temporary- Halloween- store to buy anything.

Daughter wore a poodle-skirt that Bumma made for Mother when Mother was in college. Eldest and I dressed as each other, mostly for school.

Youngest came up with his own idea.

"Joe Biden!"

"Really? Joe Biden?"

"I wanna be Joe Biden!"

We thought that was a fantastic idea. "We can even paint your hair white."


"Yeah. That'd be great."

"Then I want to wear a nametag."

"A name tag? Okay. Why?"

"People might think I'm John McCain."

Of course, we had to buy the white hair spray. What luck! I got the very last can in stock at crazy- overpriced- no- return- policy- scary- bloody- temporary- Halloween- store.

After a quick trick-or-treat at Oma's house:

We went to Bumma's neighborhood to trick-or-treat with cousins:

including this incredible cutey on his first Halloween:

Unfortunately, no pix of Prince Caspian or Dale Earnhart Jr., cousins who joined us after cameras were put away.

I did a little research. If you now have as much candy in your house as we have in ours, and similar amounts of self-discipline, the word you'll be looking for in a couple of days is transient lingual papillitis. Enjoy!

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